Tuesday, November 27, 2012


A. How much money would you like to earn per year?

I would like to earn 3.5 million dollars. It depends. This amount of money is based on a contract. This money can probably be for even more than two years.

B. Why would you like to earn this amount?

I would like this much money because if you are going to be a world famous athletics player, the team you will play for will pay you about this much amount of money. Either I would like to be a baseball player for the San Fransisco Giants or either a professional football player for the Green Bay Packers of Wisconsin. The general managers are willing enough to pay this much money if you are really dedicated athlete. But the only way to get noticed is by playing ever since you were a little kid, all the time you dedicated to practicing pays off in the near future. All you have to do is practice and practice, and so forth. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.

"True wealth is of the heart, not the  purse." (Pathros) 
What this quote means is that the the the most valuable item you possess is your heart, and you should not have to worry about losing it. The heart is the only item that cannot be sold. But the money in the purse can be traded or given up for something else of even fewer value.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Green Aid Fundraiser Reflection

Green Aid Fundraiser Reflection 

Respond to the following questions using complete sentences:

1. What could you have done to better take advantage of the learning experiences offered by being involved with this fundraiser? 
What I could have done to take better advantage of learning experiences offered by being involved with this fundraiser is by learning that not everyone has money and food. I thought that only America suffered poverty. But also third world countries, their poverty is twice as bad as ours. We complain about all the bums and low economy, but look at them.   

2. What could the adults around you have done to help you get more out of this fundraising experience? 
The adults around us could have been a little more involved with this little fundraiser. I hardly saw any teachers trying to sell any, in my opinion if I may say so; is that if students should sell, then teachers as well should too!

Be Thankful For What You Have

This holiday break gives you the opportunity to reflect on the things we are thankful for in our lives. Respond to the following questions using complete sentences: 

1. What are you thankful for? 
I thankful for having such a lovely family. I am also thankful for having food on the table everyday day when get home. I am also thankful for having a magnificent education at H.P.I.A.M.

2. Who helps you? 
 My family mostly helps me out.

3. How can you help others?
I can help others out by volunteering at a community center and serving food. I will also help by donating food and supplies to the needy. Any many other possible ways I may be of service.  

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Future Life

My Future Life

Well, in my future I will liked to remembered by everyone. Someone where everyone will study me in their history classes. I will like to find cures for deadly diseases or illnesses. I will like do become a doctor or scientist. To do that I will need to stay focused o0m my academic activities such as science as mathematics. These are mainly important in my future I would like to major in these fields. With the help of being good at health I will probably have more chances at becoming a doctor. Not only with the help of health class, but also to the high school I attend. The Huntington Park Institute of applied Medicines (H.P.I.A.M). I would like to find cures for the deadliest diseases or illnesses such as cancer or AIDS. and also find cures for disabilities.  So this is what I will want people to remember me by. A doctor who found a cure that saved millions of lives. And if this may not work out I would like for people to remember me by being a outstanding law enforcement agent. The following programs I would like to join are the C.I.A, I.C.E, C.B.P,  U.S. Marshals, F.B.I, or any other specially designed programs to stop violence such as important military positions. I would most likely want to join a program that prevents people from crossing the borders illegally. Such as the California Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or Homeland Security. I would like to be remembered by this because I will want to prevent people getting smuggled into the United States. I will also try to prevent people smuggling in illegal  drugs into the United States. and for Homeland Security, I will want to prevent another 9/11. That was such a devastating tragic event. So, because of that reason; there is Homeland Security. To prevent that kind of stuff and to protect all innocent Americans!      

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What are some issues you see in your community that need attention?

What are some issues you see in your community that need attention? 

What can you do to help change your community and/ or work towards solving these issues? 

Some ways we can change our community is for everyone should have a earlier time curfew. only the adults are supposed to be out late at night whether it be a errand or a duty. We can also get more law enforcement involved to protect the community so bad horrible people will mot commit any crimes. What I meant to say was criminals. we should also provide more school opportunities. We can also all pitch in to provide more extra curricular activities or after school programs. we do not know what children or teenagers do these days, so we need them to be occupied during after school hours. We will also need to bring canned goods for the needy. Not everyone has good food. We need to provide them with food, water, and shelter. I mean these people did do wrong in their past, but this is the future. we need them to be successful in this type of community. We also need to get rid of all gang violence.

Some issues I see in my community are:

  • dropping out of school/ transferring 
  • Young girls getting pregnant 
  • liter everywhere on the streets 
  • gang violence 
  •  Drug use 
  • Fights 
  • Lack of academics 
  • Graffiti on every wall 

These are just of the most shocking fatalities in my community, but there are far many more. We need to put a stop to this immediately.

Some ways to stop drug use or prevent them is in this link:

  • http://www.carontexas.org/knowledge-library/addiction-glossary-and-faq/cocaine?WT_mc_id=carongrantTX&gclid=CJ2Vlvi_zLMCFeGDQgodAyAAMw

Some ways to stop or prevent fights is in the following link:

  • http://www.goodcharacter.com/BCBC/PreventingConflicts.html
Some ways to stop or prevent graffiti is in the following link: 

  • http://crimeprevention.rutgers.edu/crime/graffiti/graffiti.htm

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Global Issues

Global Issues 

Poverty is an issue that affects the entire world. It contributes to other problems like crime, violence, and exploitation. Watch the following videos paying attention to the problems and their causes that are discussed:



Global Issues Reflection: 

  • Describe at least one of the issues discussed in as much detail as possible. 
One of the issues is that live in such a terrifying neighborhood, with rival gang members kill each other. Over forty gangs are responsible for nearly two hundred deaths.

  • What could you do to help solve this issue?
Well, I would try to get more law enforcement involved with that little community or neighborhood.
And lastly we should try to get the government involved as well. Nobody deserves to live in old beat up houses with crammed streets.
  • Do you think we have this issue or similar ones here in the United States? Explain why or why not? 
In my opinion I think at we do have this problem in the United States, but not as bad as them. We do not have as many gangs as them nor the violence. We need to thank the government for making this possible. Such as the law enforcement.    

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


What is Poverty?

Noun. The state or condition of having little or no money goods or means of support; condition of being poor. Synonyms: neediness, destitution, indigence, pauperism, penury. Antonyms: riches, wealth, plenty.

Answer the following questions using complete sentences ans support your answers with examples and details:

Where do you see poverty in your community?

I have not seen poverty in this community. But I have seen poverty in other cities such as the ones near downtown Los Angeles. Such as East Los Angeles.

Think about the facts and statistics we discussed. What did you already know? 

The facts and statistics I am going to have to agree with them because it is very true. In my opinion I think that us Hispanics need tom step it up in order to be successful people I this society. We are the most culture that is in poverty.

What surprised you?

What really surprised me was that us Hispanics are the lowest, and we are the neediest culture out of the three that we talked about. In my opinion, I would of thought that the African-American culture would be the lowest culture in need out all. And also I would think that most whites would not be compared to the other cultures. I would think they woul not even be in poverty. I am guessing only a few whites are in poverty compared to all the other cultures.