Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What are some issues you see in your community that need attention?

What are some issues you see in your community that need attention? 

What can you do to help change your community and/ or work towards solving these issues? 

Some ways we can change our community is for everyone should have a earlier time curfew. only the adults are supposed to be out late at night whether it be a errand or a duty. We can also get more law enforcement involved to protect the community so bad horrible people will mot commit any crimes. What I meant to say was criminals. we should also provide more school opportunities. We can also all pitch in to provide more extra curricular activities or after school programs. we do not know what children or teenagers do these days, so we need them to be occupied during after school hours. We will also need to bring canned goods for the needy. Not everyone has good food. We need to provide them with food, water, and shelter. I mean these people did do wrong in their past, but this is the future. we need them to be successful in this type of community. We also need to get rid of all gang violence.

Some issues I see in my community are:

  • dropping out of school/ transferring 
  • Young girls getting pregnant 
  • liter everywhere on the streets 
  • gang violence 
  •  Drug use 
  • Fights 
  • Lack of academics 
  • Graffiti on every wall 

These are just of the most shocking fatalities in my community, but there are far many more. We need to put a stop to this immediately.

Some ways to stop drug use or prevent them is in this link:

  • http://www.carontexas.org/knowledge-library/addiction-glossary-and-faq/cocaine?WT_mc_id=carongrantTX&gclid=CJ2Vlvi_zLMCFeGDQgodAyAAMw

Some ways to stop or prevent fights is in the following link:

  • http://www.goodcharacter.com/BCBC/PreventingConflicts.html
Some ways to stop or prevent graffiti is in the following link: 

  • http://crimeprevention.rutgers.edu/crime/graffiti/graffiti.htm

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